University of Cologne Business School
50931 Köln - Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 221 470 - 7943
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„Working for a start-up, I find myself in a constant learning-by-doing process. I highly enjoyed the PLD programme and believe that it should be an essential ingredient for every developing leader – by creating awareness and making leadership a responsible and sustainable task.“
„‚Kaizen‘ means constant improvement in Japanese. Working for a Japanese company made me realize, that the only way to stay in the competition is to constantly update my knowledge, skillset and network. This is what the Cologne-Rotterdam EMBA programme offers. It did not only help me get a raise in the company, but also provided me another perspective in my life. The programme for sure is demanding, but you will be rewarded by tremendous amount of fulfilment.“
„My EMBA will benefit me in many ways: I’ve had the opportunity to network with many amazing people, and I’ve already been able to use the methods we’ve learned in important ways in my job. But the main benefit to me is the ways in which I have grown in character and confidence as I’ve learned from and interacted with people around the world from diverse fields and viewpoints, and examined my own repsonses to those situations.“